This "worksite" aims to give you the knowhow to figure out which life insurance, investment and annuity products will help you retire securely and comfortably.

Life Insurance Worksheet

There are several methods of determining the amount of life insurance you will need to provide for your surviving family members. A straight-forward approach is to add up immediate cash needs and annual income needs for a period of time and then buy a life insurance policy for that amount. While there are numerous calculators available online, this worksheet forces you to think about what factors are really associated with the end number.

Download the free Life Insurance Worksheet here...

Other free worksheets available from "The Insider's Guide to Retirement and Insurance Planning:"
- Disability Insurance Worksheet: How much income will I need if disabled? What is the maximum allowed?
- Life Insurance Worksheet: How much life insurance do I need?
- Retirement Budget Worksheet: How much income will I need in retirement?

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